Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How the Wizard Came to OZ

How the Wizard Came to OZ
By Donald Abbott

Ever wonder where the fraudulent Wizard in OZ hailed from?  Well this book will explain the history of the Wizard and many other things about the land of OZ.  This book talks of the two witches of the North and South, and the two bad witches of the East and West.  The Wizard, who has no magical powers, comes to OZ in a flying balloon and tries to improve the lives of the green loving Ozites.

How the Wizard Came to OZ is a good book if you love the book or movie The Wizard of OZ because it give some history and explains why certain things are how they are.  However the story line was hard to follow from chapter to chapter and the illustration are very antiquated.  I did not particularly enjoy this book, but found some parts of it interesting. 

Abbott, Donald. How the Wizard Came to OZ.  The Emerald City Press. New York, NY. 1991.

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