Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Becoming Naomi León

Becoming Naomi León
By Pam Muñoz Ryan - Scholastic (2005) - Paperback - 272 pages - ISBN 0439269970

 Available in both English and Spanish!

León means lion, but Naomi doesn't feel like a lion. She is an excentric young girl who wears all hand made clothes and lives with her aging grandmother, Gram, and younger brother, Owen.  They all seem happy when one day their mother shows up and tries to befriend them but only wants to take Naomi home with her new boyfriend and leave Owen behind. They all go with some close neighbors in search of Naomi and Owens father in Mexico.  Naomi discovers her heritage and where her love of carving comes from as she gets to know her extended family and finally finds her father at an annual radish carving festival.  

I think that this book tells a great story about a non-traditional family and the struggles of a custody battle from the child's point of view.  It also uses rich language and inserts a lot of Spanish words in a way that explains the words.   

I would reccommend this book for 4-5th graders. 

1 comment:

  1. Pam Munoz Ryan has a great website:

    There is a Reader's Theater Script for Becoming Naomi León for FREE on her site!
